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our finest product
Check out the full range:
NEW: Daiquiri with Luscious Strawberries + Yuzu
To grow the leaves that will later become Matcha, layer of shape are added to the fields a month before cultivation, eventually blocking 90% of the sunlight.
Cosmo with Real Cranberry + Sweet Orange
AIYA holds 1300 units of granite stone grinders, which are maintained by in-house skilled artisans. The grinding process is conducted in a clean room.
Mojito with Real Lime Juice + Natural Mint Flavour
AIYA holds 1300 units of granite stone grinders, which are maintained by in-house skilled artisans. The grinding process is conducted in a clean room.
Party Packs - save $ with our sets of our all GOOD mixers (online only)
AIYA holds 1300 units of granite stone grinders, which are maintained by in-house skilled artisans. The grinding process is conducted in a clean room.
Margarita with Orange Juice + Hibiscus Blossum
After cultivation, the stems, veins, and unwanted particles are removed, leaving only the purest flesh of the leaves. The leaves are now called Tencha.
Brand new Cocktail Garnishes with 3 new flavours
AIYA holds 1300 units of granite stone grinders, which are maintained by in-house skilled artisans. The grinding process is conducted in a clean room.
*prize may differ from pictures - please see full t&c's for more details